最高のコレクション 橘 美也 225226-橘美也
Protagonist's younger sister, who playfully calls her brother, "Niini" She tends to be jealous when her brother is with another girl, with the exceptions of Sae, Ai and Rihoko, who are her close friends Her favorite food is nikuman, which she frequently brings up in conversation, often completely out of context She often wakes her brother up when it is time for school, though she wakes up\Thank you 10th Anniversary/「アマガミSS」放送10周年企画 ノンテロップOP&ED 動画公開!第8弾 "きまぐれ我侭甘えん坊" 橘 美也 編アニメ公式HP http橘美也 is on Facebook Join Facebook to connect with 橘美也 and others you may know Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected
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